Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today Hubby and I were shopping at our Mall. I was buying Shoes. While I was there I found myself doing an interview. So after we were walking and at our Mall was the National Guards. They had this big I mean BIG poster of Dale Jr in there window. I went inside and I asked how can I get one of the posters. Now just to let u know. My friend was in last week and they told her she can not get one. HAHAHAHA on her. They gave me one. It was big to carry around the mall. Right now its in my livingroom. I have to find a place for it. See if I can't get to Jr I'll just bring Jr to me. Well I wish it was the real Jr. In the place a female Soldier she likes him to. She said I love his Wrangle jeans Ad he does. I told her I would love to see whats under that. Well her and I laughed and the Guys that were there shook there heads, Sorry. He the man is Smoking HOT!!!!!!!!!! So now i have this poster hanging on my wall of my livingroom.Thats all right with me. Hubby said I CAN put it above our bed.

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