Monday, January 11, 2010

Four Wide: At least wrecked NASCAR rides don't go in the ice

Bringing you the best in NASCAR news and info to keep your day rolling right ... or left, whichever.

• Not NASCAR, but still interesting: these noble loons up in Minnesota recover pickups that have crashed through the ice. Cost? Up to $2,500. And I'm sure those trucks are working just perfectly once they dry out. [ via Jalopnik]

Michael Waltrip is going to Dubai! Hopefully he won't exhibit as much skin as he showed in that video in the Sound & Speed post below; that well could kick off a horrific international incident. [Scene Daily]

Patrick Carpentier is still hoping to keep that NASCAR dream alive. May not be the best time to break back into the sport, but Carpeteater has some skills and could easily outrace some of the young'uns out there. [Sporting News]

• NASCAR Scene has ended its print production. That's a shame, as it put a lot of good NASCAR journalists -- the real kind, not the type that sits back and makes veiled innuendo gags based on Patrick Carpentier's name -- out of work. [Charlotte Business Journal]

• A writer for PhillyBurbs asks, "Am I the only person involved in the sport of auto racing who really does not get that excited about Danica Patrick?" Not passing judgment, but this writer might want to do a wee bit more reading. Anyway, it's another Danica-is-a-marketing-machine-more-than-a-driver article. [PhillyBurbs]

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